Via een feed van Tametheweb kwam ik een interessante boekrecensie tegen. Voor mij aanleiding om dit met jullie te delen en voor mij reden om dit boek aan te schaffen.
"This book was a very easy read about a subject that is not intuitive to me being a digital immigrant. I appreciate that the book has chosen a broad audience to address that includes parents, educators, and librarians— to create a conversation between all those who have high stakes in dealing with the changing needs of the digital native population. The idea of creating a dialogue between parents and their children, educators and their students, librarians and their users, was a strong point throughout the book and reiterated in the synthesis, “…this book is an invitation to conversation. It’s an invitation sent out especially to parents and teachers of DigitalNatives and would-be Digital Natives” (274). "
"I think libraries would make an excellent place to “…make space for students, parents, and teachers to educate one another about what’s going on in cyberspace and to explore together ways to mitigate the risks that online life brings with it” (102). The book highlights many of the same topics as this course, which compliments my feeling this week that “the virtual world complements and extends the offline social sphere” (25)."